Opis Travel X/Y/Z: 885mm/600mm/600mm, B-axis min./max.: -10°/110°, C-axis: 360°, feed X/Y/Z: 90m/min, tool positions: 30, max. Total tool weight: 150kg, tool holder: HSK-A63, speed: 18000rpm, table dimensions X/Y: 950mm/650mm, max. table load: 1000kg, rotary table diameter: 750mm, max. rotary table load: 600kg, spindle run time: 28603h. Including IKZ with 40bar, chip conveyor and spray gun. The motor or a spindle bearing is defective as the machine was at a standstill during machining. Documentation available. On-site inspection is possible. |
Producent | Deckel Maho |
Typ | DMC 75 V linear |
Rok produkcji | 2007 |
Cena | Na zapytanie |
Nr. oferty | INNO27846 |
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