Opis Two fully automated special construction systems (2017/2019) with integrated deburring units are available. Output: 30 pieces/min, machine dimensions X/Y/Z: approx. 2600mm/1500mm/2900mm. Components: Vibratory feeders as an integrated complete unit for round stainless steel sleeves with hopper, sorting bowl, 3x drop chute, accumulation section and control units, Siemens control system and mobile operating panel, separate control cabinets for the feeder and overall system, Suhner 3-fold drilling quills with belt drive, rotary indexing table with worm gear and 4 work stations with exact 90° as well as Festo pneumatics. Intended use: The machines were built for the production of oval sleeves from round sleeves. The entire process with feeding, sorting, filtering, transport, bending, deburring and discharge is fully automated. Documentation is available. On-site inspection is possible. |
Producent | Sondermaschinenbau |
Typ | nieznany |
Rok produkcji | 2015 |
Cena | Na zapytanie |
Nr. oferty | INNO27767 |
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